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2022.06-        bat365在线平台网站  教授

2016.02-2016.08   加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)  访问学者   

2009.11-2010.04   夏威夷大学             访问学者   

2006.07-2022.06   bat365在线平台网站  副教授

2003.07-2006.06   bat365在线平台网站  讲师

2000.09-2003.07   南开大学bat365在线平台网站,获理学博士学位

1995.09-1998.07   山东农业大学,获农学硕士学位

1991.09-1995.07   山东农业大学,获工学学士学位


Frontiers in Energy Research副主编

Frontiers in Microbiology和Polymers等期刊编委及客座副主编





LOOP: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/301478

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianhua-Liu-2


在教学方面,担任环境生物化学课程组负责人,主讲本科生课程“生物化学”、“生物化学实验”和全英文课程“Environmental Biochemistry”;主讲研究生课程“环境化学与毒理学”。主编教材两部:“十一五“国家级规划教材《环境生物化学实验教程》和bat365在线平台网站”十四五“规划教材《环境生物化学》。获评第三届“bat365在线平台网站教书育人先进工作者”,完成教改项目10余项,发表教改论文10余篇,多次被授予bat365在线平台网站“金点子奖”。在科研及学术方面,对接生态文明建设和双碳目标等国家重大战略和社会需求,承担并完成20余项国家、省部级和企业技术服务科研项目。在国际期刊上发表SCI检索论文100余篇,其中2篇入选ESI高被引论文,1篇入选热点论文。截止2022年,H-index 为26(Scopus),最高单篇引用315次。面向国家“一带一路”建设战略,以产出重大产品或系统技术体系为目标,开展污染物监测与治理研究。已获得国家发明专利授权14项,参编1项国家标准和1项地方标准。









1.Jiao Wang, Chu Peng, Yexin Dai, Yang Li, Shipu Jiao, Xiaodong Ma, Xianhua Liu*, Lei Wang*, Slower antibiotics degradation and higher resistance genes enrichment in plastisphere, Water Research, 2022, 222,118920.

2.Shipu Jiao, Yang Li, Jiaxuan Li, Halayit Abrha, Miao Liu, Jinran Cui, Jiao Wang, Yexin Dai and Xianhua Liu*, Graphene oxide as a versatile platform for emerging hydrovoltaic technology, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022,10, 18451-18469.

3.Shipu Jiao, Miao Liu, Yang Li, Halayit Abrha, Jiao Wang, Yexin Dai, Jingyu Li, Ning Kang, Yunxue Li, Xianhua Liu*, Emerging hydrovoltaic technology based on carbon black and porous carbon materials: A mini review, Carbon,2022, 193: 339-355.

4.Yunxue Li, Sitong Liu, Zhiyong Ji, Jun Sun, and Xianhua Liu*, Distinct responses of Chlorella vulgaris upon combined exposure to microplastics and bivalent zinc. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 442, 130137.

5.Xianhua Liu*, J. Paul Chen, Lei Wang, Zongze Shao and Xiang Xiao, Microplastics and Microorganisms in the Environment, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 947286. (微生物与微塑料前沿专刊,已被浏览37000余次)

6.Hongyu Li, Yunxue Li, Bushra Maryam, Zhiyong Ji, Jun Sun and Xianhua Liu*, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers as hitchhikers on microplastics: Sorption behaviors and combined toxicities to Epinephelus moara, Aquatic Toxicology,2022, 252, 106317.

7.Jingyu Li, Yexin Dai, Jinran Cui, Halayit Abrh, Ning Kang, and Xianhua Liu*, Dye-encapsulated Zr-based MOFs composites as a sensitive platform for ratiometric luminescent sensing of antibiotics in water. Talanta, 2023, 251:123817.

8.Jonnathan Cabrera, Yexin Dai, Muhammad Irfan, Yang Li, Felix Gallo, Pingping Zhang, Yanping Zong, Xianhua Liu*, Novel continuous up-flow MFC for treatment of produced water: Flow rate effect, microbial community, and flow simulation, Chemosphere, 2022, 289, 133186.

9.Jonnathan Cabrera, Muhammad Irfan, Yexin Dai, Pingping Zhang, Yanping Zong, Xianhua Liu*, Bioelectrochemical system as an innovative technology for treatment of produced water from oil and gas industry: A review. Chemosphere. 2021. 285, 131428.

10.Yexin Dai, Yajing Guo, Jiao Wang, Yunxue Li, Lei Zhang, Xianhua Liu*, A vertically configured photocatalytic-microbial fuel cell for electricity generation and gaseous toluene degradation. Chemosphere, 2021, 285, 131530.

11.Yexin Dai, Shengling Li, Yajing Guo, Jun Ren, Lei Zhang, Xin Wang, Pingping Zhang, Xianhua Liu*. Enhanced tetracycline degradation and power generation in a solar-illuminated bio-photoelectrochemical system. Journal of Power Sources. 2021. 497(15), 229876.

12.Hongwei Zhao*, Meile Yuan, Maryna Strokal, Henry C. Wu, Xianhua Liu*, AlberTinka Murk, Carolien Kroeze, Ronald Osinga, Impacts of nitrogen pollution on corals in the context of global climate change and potential strategies to conserve coral reefs, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 774,145017.

13.Jiao Wang, Jiayao Li, Sitong Liu, Hongyu Li, Xiaochen Chen, Chu Peng, Pingping Zhang, Xianhua Liu*. Distinct microplastic distributions in soils of different land-use types: A case study of Chinese farmlands. Environmental Pollution. 2021; 269,116199. (ESI高被引)

14.Jiao Wang, Chu Peng, Hongyu Li, Pingping Zhang, Xianhua Liu*. The impact of microplastic-microbe interactions on animal health and biogeochemical cycles: A mini-review. Science of the Total Environment. 2021; 773, 145697.

15.Jiao Wang, Xianhua Liu*, Yang Li, Trevor Powell, Xin Wang, Guangyi Wang, Pingping Zhang. Microplastics as contaminants in the soil environment: A mini-review. Science of the Total Environment. 2019; 691:848-57. (ESI 高被引, 已被引用300多次)

16.Jiao Wang, Xianhua Liu*, Yexin Dai, Jun Ren, Yang Li, Xin Wang, Pingping Zhang, Chu Peng. Effects of co-loading of polyethylene microplastics and ciprofloxacin on the antibiotic degradation efficiency and microbial community structure in soil. Science of the Total Environment. 2020; 741,140463.

17.Xianhua Liu, Biswarup Sen, Yue Zhao, Mohan Bai, Yaodong He, Yunxuan Xie, Jianyang Li, Guangyi Wang, Gradients of three coastal environments off the South China Sea and their impacts on the dynamics of heterotrophic microbial communities, Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 659:499-506.

18.Peng Liu, Xianhua Liu*, Feng Dong, et al. Electricity generation from banana peels in an alkaline fuel cell with a Cu 2 O-Cu modified activated carbon cathode[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, s 631–632:849-856. 

19.Xianhua Liu*, Zi Li, Yulou Yang, Peng Liu, Pingping Zhang, Electricity generation from a refuelable glucose alkaline fuel cell with a methyl viologen-immobilized activated carbon anode,  Electrochimica Acta, 2016,222:1430–1437.

20.Susu Liu, Xianhua Liu*,Ying Wang, Pingping Zhang. Electricity generation from macroalgae Enteromorpha prolifera hydrolysates using an alkaline fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2016 222:226–231.

21.Xianhua Liu*, Yulou Yang, Xiaoxuan Shi, Kexun Li. Fast photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye using a low-power diode laser. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 283: 267-275.

22.Peng Zhang, Kexun Li*, Xianhua Liu*,Carnation-like MnO2 modified activated carbon air cathode improve power generation in microbial fuel cells,Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 264: 248–253.

23.Miaoqing Hao; Xianhua Liu*, Mengnan Feng, Pingping Zhang, Guangyi Wang*. Generating Power from Cellulose in an Alkaline Fuel Cell Enhanced by Methyl Viologen as an Electron-Transfer Catalyst. Journal of Power Sources, 2014,251:222-228.

24.Xianhua Liu*, Miaoqing Hao, Mengnan Feng, Lin Zhang, Yong Zhao, Xiwen Du, Guangyi Wang, A One-compartment direct glucose alkaline fuel cell with methyl viologen as electron mediator, Applied Energy, 2013, 106: 176-183.